On 27 September 3048, the ComStar Explorer Corps JumpShip Outbound Light stumbled onto the Clan Homeworlds, setting in motion a massive invasion of the Inner Sphere by the Clans. At first sweeping all before them with their advanced technologies, the Clans met defeat at the Battle of Tukayyid and were stymied by a 15-year truce. With the clock ticking, the Inner Sphere's elite took the battle directly to the Clan Homeworlds. There, the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar and the defeat of the Clans in the Great Refusal ended the invasion.
BattleTech Record Sheets: Clan Invasion offers players the record sheets for all the "˜Mechs detailed in BattleTech Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, 478 in total.
Note: This is a compilation volume. The entries in this PDF are reprinted"”albeit with the current BattleTech logo and artwork"”from Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrade Unabridged"”Clan & Star League, Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrade Unabridged, Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged, Record Sheets: 3060 Unabridged, Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged, and Record Sheets: 3085 Unabridged"”Project Phoenix. Players who own those Record Sheets will find the same units presented in Record Sheets: Clan Invasion.