In 3067 the Second Star League disbanded. The Word of Blake, on the verge of joining in fulfillment of prophecies, acted in rage and launched the Jihad, pitting every faction against each other and even themselves. Against such an anvil, new cutting edge machines of war emerged. The discovery of an ancient Hegemony Memory Core graphically showcases the desperation of the conflict, as primitive 'Mechs not seen on a battlefield in half a millennia once again appear.
BattleTech Record Sheets: 3075 Unabridged -- Age of War offers players the record sheets for all the 'Mechs detailed in the corresponding section of BattleTech Technical Readout: 3075, over 200 in total, many variants making their debut here.
NOTE: This PDF does not contain record sheets for JumpShips and WarShips; pre-filled record sheets for these unit types from Technical Readout: 3075 will be added in the future. The designs from the Cutting Edge section of Technical Readout: 3075 can be found in BattleTech Record Sheets: 3075 Unabridged -- The Cutting Edge.