BattleTech: Record Sheet: Total Warfare Style: 3058 Clan

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Total Warfare Style Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade Unabridged, Clan Mechs, Star League Units and Battle Armor (PDF)
[BC-212p] $9.95

File Size: 61 MB

In the 3050s, the discoveries of long-buried Star League records led to a plethora of new cutting-edge BattleMech and combat vehicles designs by the end of that decade, resurrected from the blueprints of design firms centuries old. At the same time, the Clans introduction of battle armor spurned the Inner Sphere to introduce a plethora of powered infantry designs. Now, ten years later, these designs have moved from novelty to workhorse, giving rise to notable MechWarriors, crews and troopers.

BattleTech Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade, Clan Mechs, Star League Units and Battle Armor offers players the record sheets for all the Clan Mechs, Star League units and battle armor detailed in BattleTech Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, over 270 in total, many variants making their debut here.

The Inner Sphere Mechs and vehicle designs can be found in Total Warfare Style Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade Unabridged, Inner Sphere Mechs and Vehicles.