Shadowrun: Legends of the Shadows: Colloton's Revenge

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Just because you’re out of office, doesn’t mean you’re out of the game. 

The year is 2080 and the United Canadian and American States is going through some rough times. An entire army corps has gone missing, rolling blackouts threaten the stability of the nation, and Detroit almost became Bug City 2.0. 

Without any real mandate (or authority) UCAS President Angela Colloton, through contacts and agents still imbedded within the UCAS government, initiates a series of six covert operations that sends teams of shadowrunners across North America through the UCAS and even into the neighboring Confederated American States. Their goal is to investigate a series of leads and determine exactly what’s going on with the UCAS and who’s responsible. And if the opportunity presents itself, enact some payback against some of Colloton’s rivals and enemies. Because any good politician knows … never to let a good crisis go to waste, even if when you’re working towards the greater good. 

Legends of the Shadows 2024: Colloton’s Revenge is a series of interlinked missions for Shadowrun, Sixth World, originally played exclusively at GenCon 2022 but now available to the general public.