Mauris non metus lacus. Ut fermentum accumsan lacinia.
He goes up the stairs on the left– dodging droplets from the leaking ceiling as he goes– and walks across the platform to the unassuming black door in the far corner. The door opens, as if to another world, and unveils a small space packed with life and motion. Kids are jumping rope, hitting heavy bags, laughing with one another, hitting speed bags, doing footwork drills, and sparring, all in front of walls covered with vibrant, energy-packed murals of red and black. This is has been the beginning of Mike’s work day as founder of Ironbound Boxing Academy for the past three years. It is here, squeezed underneath the bleachers of a football field, that Mike has set up a free after-school boxing program for kids and young adults.

He goes up the stairs on the left– dodging droplets from the leaking ceiling as he goes– and walks across the platform to the unassuming black door in the far corner. The door opens, as if to another world, and unveils a small space packed with life and motion. Kids are jumping rope, hitting heavy bags, laughing with one another, hitting speed bags, doing footwork drills, and sparring, all in front of walls covered with vibrant, energy-packed murals of red and black. This is has been the beginning of Mike’s work day as founder of Ironbound Boxing Academy for the past three years. It is here, squeezed underneath the bleachers of a football field, that Mike has set up a free after-school boxing program for kids and young adults.
Ut iaculis, lacus non volutpat scelerisque, eros urna molestie odio, id pulvinar urna velit nec dolor. Suspendisse rutrum imperdiet ligula et consequat. Nam interdum lorem ac finibus lobortis. Vestibulum vitae odio pretium, tincidunt leo nec, imperdiet purus. Sed feugiat lacus at neque euismod elementum. Mauris nec auctor leo. Morbi nec neque dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis nec viverra nibh. Quisque ullamcorper leo eget dolor interdum faucibus. Suspendisse pulvinar, nibh sit amet pellentesque egestas, urna mi fringilla quam, vitae mollis dolor turpis vitae erat. Duis ligula arcu, tempor eget porta at, rhoncus ut massa. Quisque rutrum nibh id fermentum faucibus. Curabitur luctus porta nibh, at ultricies risus ornare at. Maecenas a tellus id tellus bibendum posuere vel eu ante. Duis quis tortor et leo euismod fringilla.